About us

Siobhan Cornelissen

Managing Director

Hello and thanks for stopping by. My name is Siobhan, and I am the owner and Managing Director of Conscious Lending Pty Ltd. If the past three years has taught me anything, a key takeaway for me is how can I be of service to others while honoring myself and living in alignment with my values. So, after 25 years of working across retail, corporate, business banking and FinTech, I’ve decided to use all the knowledge I have gained and embark on a new journey. At Conscious Lending, I aim to share my expertise and work with clients whose values are in alignment with my own.  I will strive for excellence in all that I do and look forward to helping you reach your finance goals.

You should think of me as a professional resource in the same way you think of your accountant, financial planner, or solicitor. You can be assured that I will always have your best interest at heart.

Not only do I have extensive expertise across the financial services industry, but I can also share my experience around how to rebuild yourself from a credit perspective following separation. Post separation, we find ourselves having to make major financial decisions while still trying to work, parent, co-parent and navigate our new single lives. This time can be extremely isolating and stressful, not only can I assist you with your finance needs, I will also provide compassion, empathy, support, and guidance for you during this time of transition.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly - 0431 269 908

Get in touch with us today!